Ahhh, that New Headphone smell...
As a Sophomore in High school, I used $32* of my hard-earned ($1.62 an-hour), payroll money and purchased a set of these professional broadcast headphones! I used those cans every day for nearly 10 years on the Radio, all across the Country.
The KOSS PRO 4AAs were standard "cans", years ahead of Sony, for on-air radio personalities, Sports, News, and Rock DJs!
KOSS of America has brought back their Pro4AA model stereophones.
These arrived today, and like my original pair back 53 years ago, these still weigh a ton...built like a tank. Power hungry. The earpads are uncomfortable**, and they sound freaking AWESOME! (check out the specs) Beyond human hearing! WHAT?
* $32 in 1971 is now about $214 @ 3.13% average inflation.
** Calfskin-memory foam upgrade earpads on order to replace the infamous cold, hard plastic ear-cups . New ones are Non-liquid filled.