I keep coming back for more of these surprisingly cheap but HIGH quality for the price over-head headphones. Not because they break, but because my cat keeps managing to chew the cord in half when I'm gaming and not paying attention. Plus since they're not noise-blocking I can still hear my wife if she hollars for me to go do something. Fortunately they're easy to replace but I always keep a spare laying around just in case. I also have a pair to wear while running because unlike earbuds, they don't fall out! Plus the system is super lightweight so no pressure on my head or neck. But I don't want to put on the sweaty ones at the computer, so a third pair it is. And then there's the pair I keep in my travel bag so they don't get lost or forgotten, so four pair.... Yes, highly recommended for daily use. These aren't going to do it for audiophiles (I do have much better Koss headphones for that), but as a daily driver for the average person, fantastic!