Interview: DJ Shawna

Interview: DJ Shawna

This summer we collaborated with DJ Shawna (aka Shawna Nicols) from Milwaukee, WI on a few photo campaigns for the Koss Pro4S Studio Headphones and BT540i Wireless Bluetooth Headphones.

DJ Shawna has made her presence felt on a national and international scale performing at events and festivals around the World. She is also the DJ for the NCAAWBB, Marquette Women's Basketball, and Milwaukee Bucks and most recently the official DJ for the Wisconsin Badgers. We recently sat down with Shawna to discuss her career, her motivation and her future.


1. Tell us about yourself.

Born with a basketball in my hands. Quickly learned that basketball, music, and fashion all go together and feed off one another. Graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; went on to receive my Masters in Communication from the University of Bellarmine. Continued my basketball career as a professional in Europe and found DJing as another adrenaline rush. As someone that has never drank alcohol or done drugs, music has always been my best friend. Here I am, now 12 years into the profession and I could not be happier. 

2. How did you get involved with Koss?

Milwaukee love!!! I am extremely fortunate to be part of a networking group that linked me with the Content Developer for Koss, Martin Moore. I had an opportunity to hear his story of his hustle, and I was hooked. We quickly because friends and I am grateful to have such a hard working, inspiring, and intelligent friend in Martin, that also has given me this opportunity to partner with Koss. 3.

What do you love most about being a DJ? I

love being able to make people smile, sing, and dance while being part of creating a memorable experience, no matter what the event is.

PF-3(69of97)Photo Credit: Karen Olivia

4. If you weren't a DJ, what else would you be doing?

I would definitely be a full-time superhero. Right now, I only moonlight as one, so as to fly under the radar.

















Great question. I would love to continue to be able to inspire those around me through Music, my Monday Motivation videos and my clothing line #DareToBe while continuing to be open minded to whatever opportunities that may arise along the way. I believe the sky is the limit and I can do anything I put my mind to…I promise to keep you posted as this adventure continues!


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