Interview: AdELA

Interview: AdELA

We sat down with Singer/Rapper AdELA from Atlanta, GA to discuss her music, her motivation and her future.


1. Tell us about yourself. My name is AdELA, I was born in Durban, South Africa, raised in South Florida and I have recently relocated to Atlanta, Geogria. I am a singer/rapper and more than anything I love creating.


2. How did you get involved with Koss

As an artist, sound is so important in my every day life. Whether I am recording, listening to mixes, or on the go I need to make sure that I am tuned in. I contacted Koss because they have been a staple in the headphone industry for so long and it was important for me to align myself with a quality brand.

3. How has music shaped who you are?

Music is my entire life. I know we all say that, but when you are an artist and independent for so long it really becomes something your entire life revolves around. I was a huge fan of Nas growing up and he was that rapper that really told a story about both sides of life. He taught me that there were two choices you can make in life, and each choice has repercussions.

So many decisions I made were influenced by his music. Frank Sinatra made me want to make the type of music and have the type of style that was timeless.

Tupac taught me to be totally fearless and go after what I wanted and not apologize for that. So for me at least, music was my everything. I had a thought recently... People say time travel is impossible, but music is essentially a way to time travel. It can take you back in time to a memory or help you shape a thought that can make an impact on your future. That is the beauty of music.

Adela-rapper-atlanta-koss-porta pro-headphones

4. If you weren't making music, what else would you be doing?

At this point I can't picture doing anything else, but if I had to chose another path, I would be involved in charity work. I love to give back and pay it forward and I think as people we should constantly be looking for ways to help those less fortunate. I would love to own my own soup kitchen or animal shelter or work with the elderly.

5. What is living in Atlanta Like?

Atlanta is becoming such an entertainment capital. Between music and TV and movies it is shaping up to be the "it" city and I feel so energized living here. The people are amazing, the talent is top quality and then there's that southern hospitality that you just can't beat!

6. What has been your biggest hurdle?

Wow... just one huh? Being independent for so long brought a ton of hurdles my way, which inevitably turned into these great lessons. Everything from getting hustled by people who said they provided a service, to not being able to afford a service or people just letting me down.

It's part of the game and in the music business you can only survive and grow if you learn how to brush those hurdles aside and find another way around where you are trying to go! I am now signed to a label, so it's comforting to know that when a hurdle comes my way I am not facing it alone, I have a strong team behind me.


7. What has been your biggest triumph?

My biggest triumph without a doubt was putting an album together that featured 9 super rappers! I was totally independent and I got Fat Joe, Royce 5'9, Cormega, Kool G Rap, Skyzoo, Torae, Kid Vishis, Jon Connor and Clemm Rishad all on the same album.

It took some time but it happened and I still look at the those album credits in awe. Also peaking at #21 on the iTunes Rap Charts was un-real. I saw my album sitting among the best rap albums in the game. I knew at that moment, anything was possible with hardwork... Or a stubborn will to make it happen!

8. What is one thing most people don't know about you?

I am a total nerd. I have a degree in biology, I love to read, I collect fan toys like Harry Potter & Disney memorabilia!

9. Where do you see the music industry headed?

As I study the music industry, which is important for all creatives to do, I see it headed down a path of total independence. Gone are the days where only the big label could put out artists and music. Now, if you have a lap top and internet you are all set. This however, is a double edged sword. There is a lot of music out there that is just not good.

Or visuals that should have never seen the light of day! On the plus side there are dope artists who are winning and growing without the large budgets that were once necessary. As technology grows the world gets smaller, and I love the fact that I have fans all over the world and I can interact with them and bring my music directly to them. Now it's all about building with your own personal fan-base and growing with them.

Music continues to fill gaps for me, where I struggle to find the right words. There are so many feelings and emotions in a song that evoke so much in those 3-4 minutes.

10. Finally, where do you see yourself in 10 years?

By my calculations I would have dropped 13 albums by then! But to put it simply, I want to be able to look back in 10 years and say "my music stood the test of time and remained classic." That's what building a legacy in music is all about. Being timeless...

1-3 Line Follow AdELA on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Find her new single 'Payoff' along with the rest of her discography on iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud. Photos/Images used in post with permission of AdELA & KidxKam

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